Our Mission

The mission of the RRF is to put on events for the good of the community and that will bring the community together.  The funds raised during the events will allow the RRF to give back to the community of Ramona in the way of event sponsorships, donations to other charitable organizations, and scholarships. 


At the Ramona Rodeo Foundation, we believe in the power of community and the importance of giving back. Our goal is to put on events that bring our community together and to use the funds raised during those events to give back to our local area. Our foundation is dedicated to supporting local initiatives, fostering a spirit of unity, and enhancing the quality of life in our beloved Ramona.

By contributing to the Ramona Rodeo Foundation directly or by participating in our events, you are not just supporting a rodeo; you are investing in the future of our community. Your generosity helps fund scholarships, community projects, and local non-profits that make a difference in the lives of our neighbors. Together, we can create a thriving, vibrant Ramona where everyone has the opportunity to succeed and feel connected. Join us in our mission to give back and make a lasting impact on the community we cherish.

The Ramona Rodeo

Our premiere community event is the Ramona Rodeo.

The Ramona Rodeo is a cherished tradition, bringing together the heart and spirit of our community for an action-packed celebration of Western heritage. Set against the picturesque backdrop of R-Town, this annual event features thrilling rodeo competitions, live entertainment, and family-friendly activities, offering something for everyone to enjoy.

But the Ramona Rodeo is more than just a spectacular show; it’s a vital contributor to our community’s well-being. Proceeds from the event are funneled back into local projects and organizations, supporting everything from youth programs and scholarships, to community events and local non-profit organizations such as Ramona Town Hall and the Guy B. Woodward Museum. By attending the Ramona Rodeo, you’re not only experiencing an unforgettable event, but also helping to strengthen and enrich our community. Join us in celebrating tradition and giving back, all while enjoying the excitement and camaraderie that make the Ramona Rodeo a standout event each year.

Ramona Rodeo Foundation
PO Box 1555
Ramona, CA 92065

© Ramona Rodeo Foundation